Thursday, February 20, 2020

Mental health

I wasn't sure if I wanted to write this blog post or not but after the sad news of Caroline flack taking her own life on Saturday I felt compelled to write something after I heard the news on Saturday I was in complete shock.  Today as I'm writing this I still am and have been thinking about it ever since its so sad knowing that Caroline felt that taking her life was her only option I know for me and my own mental health struggles over the years I have had some really dark moments. where I've felt that there was a big black cloud hanging over me at all times and I couldn't escape the feeling of impending doom that at times felt all consuming and that there was no way out of the big black hole that I had fell down but with the support of my family and also multiple years of having counselling I've been able to pull myself out of that dark space it has in no doubt been easy but I feel so lucky to have the support network around me that I do and that I know I can also count on to lift me up in dark times.

 If I'm honest I do still have days or weeks or sometimes months where I feel that dark cloud coming over me again and for me I've found the best way is to not fight that feeling and know that in time it will pass sometimes I find journaling and writing down the way I feel helps get it off my chest and down on to paper and sometimes I find getting out into the fresh air helps clear and calm my mind even just for a little while its the little things that sometimes help and than honestly sometimes nothing helps that much and I just have to wait for that cloud to pass over me and wait for the sun to shine again which I always have faith will come .I've been thinking a lot about Caroline's family this week and what they must be going through right now and how they must be feeling and it really makes my chest ache just thinking about it I just hope from this we learn to be kind to others and think before we speak and post online because once those words are out there you have no control over them or how they might affect or perhaps destroy someone's life as Caroline herself once said in a world where you can be anything be kind I think that about rounds it off for today I hope your all having a good week and if not that's ok just remember the sun will come out again.

here are some different charities who are there to help if you find yourself struggling

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