Tuesday, March 30, 2021

Losing my nana pegg

Afew weeks ago my nana pegg passed away I was devasted I hadn’t seen her since December 2019 and had only been able to speak to her on the phone due to the lockdown. I remember whenever i would speak to her she would always say how she was looking forward to being able to see me and my brother again .I was so sad I never got the chance to say goodbye to her and tell her how much i loved her and how much she meant to me but i know that she knows that.

she was an amazing women my nana pegg was Irish and she was so proud of that she used to tell me stories all the time about her life in Ireland  when she was a little girl and about her family I will really miss her stories my nana loved life and people  .We would be walking down the road and if she spotted someone with a dog she would have to go over and say hello or if we were out having lunch and she saw a baby she would have to wave and say hello and start talking to them I loved that about her.

She was so friendly and caring and didn’t judge people at all she would stand up for what she believed in and wouldn’t back down no matter what that’s what made her so special to me. She was a strong women and I hope I continue to take that throughout my own life to stand up for what i believe in and not stay silent when it’s  something that matters to me that’s something that my nana taught me well thank you for all the lovely memories nana pegg I will cherish them for a lifetime.


Thursday, January 21, 2021

Interview with my brother

Today I’ve written a different kind of blog this is an interview i did with my brother all about his new being the best you journal,what motivates him to keep working hard during the tough times and how he knows that his purpose on this earth is to help, inspire and motivate people to live there best lives to.

What inspired you to create your being the best you journal?

I was inspired to create the journal after releasing my first book being the best you in June 2019.The book spoke heavily about my own journey what I’ve overcome and the different tools I’ve used to get to where i am today.A lot of people seem interested by what i do each day to get to a centred and positive state.I decided to incorporate all of my own tried and tested techniques into the journal.

What helpful tips do you hope people will take away from the journal?

I hope people take away whatever it is they feel they need in order to move forward and become the next level within them.In the journal there will be things that will resonate heavily within the reader and other tools may not which is why I’ve included so many so there is something for everyone.No matter which area of your life you hope to improve/work on if I had to chose i hope the reader takes away the gratitude practice its one of my favourites and its the most simplistic and easy thing ,but so many of us myself included  at times,forget the importance of giving gratitude and being grateful for what we have.

What motivates you to work hard and keep positive a outlook on life ,even in tough times

That’s an interesting question i think the main motivation i have to work hard is the life purpose i have my propose is to help others unlock their truest potential whilst having alot of fun in the process if I had to whittle my purpose down to just one simple sentence that would be it.In terms of keeping positive during tough times it isn’t always easy sometimes i cry,I have a moment and than come back to my place of power, where i can move forward in a positive direction to my next step.

What do you do to help yourself when your having a down day?

For me this is the area where i feel the luckiest because i spend my life exploring tools and techniques to help others,which means when I’m having a down day or just not feeling my best i have a whole mental toolbox i can open and pick out various things to give me a boost.I will journal how I’m feeling and why I’m feeling a certain way,I’ll get out into nature on my own and have time outdoors to refocus and breath, I’ll sit in meditation or do a breath work session or I will watch one of my favourite reality tv shows.

You can buy being the best you journal from 


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