Saturday, August 31, 2019

I have some exciting news!!!!

Hi I'm back I know in may I had all good intentions of being back sooner and posting more to my blog but truthfully my motivation for this blog had hit rock bottom and I was doubting myself and was saying things like what's the point in writing them know ones going to read them but ive come to the conclusion that it doesn't matter if no one really reads them because that's not why I started this blog in the first place it was so I could have a creative outlet for myself and enjoy writing again and so that's what I intend to do and if someone does read it than that's great hi if that persons you I really appreciate you taking the time to read my blog it means a lot.

ok now I've finished my long ramble I have news I'm currently working with the princes trust on their enterprise programme as I really want to open a queer inclusive coffee shop its been a dream of mine for quit along time but I was always to scared to peruse it but I'm hoping with the help of the princes trust and some really hard work I can turn my dream into a reality and really want to document the whole process I've been working with the princes trust for a few months now and I'm currently working on my business plan I've certainly had moments where I've been doubting myself and my abilities but with the help of my business mentor I've felt more able to push on as its nice having the support of someone else and to have someone else believe in and say you can do it .Well I think I'm going to leave it here for today and promise this time I will be back sooner you can hold me to it this time I cant wait to see what happens in this next exciting chapter that I'm going on the ups and downs lets do this.speak soon

Sunday, May 12, 2019

IM Back!!

Wow its been a while hasn't it, I could start telling you how I've been really busy and haven't had any time to think about writing on my blog, but the trust is I just didn't have the motivation and I didn't know what to talk about, and that if I did I just wouldn't have anything interesting to say. I finally decided that it doesn't matter and that I'm writing these blog posts as much for me as it is for other people, and its a way for me to vent what's on my mind and to be creative. 

 I'm really looking forward to getting back into uploading more regularly but I'm not going to put any pressure on myself like the last time, if I feel like uploading a post than I will but if not I wont be hard on myself and put myself down just because I haven't stuck to my goal of frequently uploading. I find motivation can be difficult and its defiantly something that I really struggle with especially as I volunteer from home and find that the only person I have to tell me to get my work done is myself and trust me I'm not a very strict boss at all ha yah sure molly take the  morning off and start your work in the afternoon if you want and don't worry about the fact that you haven't done much work this week, I'm sure you will get it done I trust you I think you get the drift I'm just not very good at pushing myself to get things done and I than spent that time feeling frustrated with myself that I haven't achieved what I set out to or wasted the day instead of getting the work done its defiantly something that I want to get better at though and make small steps to change .

I know that its not something that I can change overnight, and I need to have a better routine and try to stick to it ha wish me luck with that one but seriously to anyone reading this who also might be struggling with motivation just know that its a process and that its not a race it takes time sometimes to get into a routine and maintain it something that I defiantly know all to well and have really struggled with over the last few months especially,but I know with time I will get there and slowly I will learn  to stick to a routine for longer  (I'm defiantly hopeful ha ha).

 I hope you've enjoyed my all over the place ramblings it really does feel good to be back I promise this time I will back sooner and for anyone else who's struggling with the ups and downs of motivation try not to be to hard on yourself I'm sure your doing the best you can  speak soon .

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