Saturday, June 23, 2018

My coming out story

Hi everyone I'm back I know it's been a while since I posted on here and I really have no excuses time just got away from me oops will try and not let that happen again as you would of already read by the title today I'm going to be talking about my coming out story I can still hardly believe I'm actually going to but here goes.

It all started in secondary school I always felt abit left out when I came to relationships while alot of my friends were talking about cute boys and there crushes I was thinking to myself why don't I feel the same way why don't I have crushes on boys or find them attractive and want a boyfriend and I just thought that it just wasn't something that I was interested in and that maybe when I'm older I will suddenly want a boyfriend and want to date.

 That all changed when I started to find one of my female teachers attractive at the time I thought I like her because she's kind and funny ow and she has nice eyes I'm thinking that should of been a clue why am I feeling this way I thought surely I shouldn't be feeling like this but I did and those feelings didn't go away I remember watching a TV programme and being attracted to one of the female characters ok maybe this means something I thought maybe I find girls attractive aswell as boys ok that's fine but as time went by I knew that wasn't the case I had never experienced those feelings when it came to boys only girls so for afew years I kept it to myself and didn't tell anyone hoping it would just sort itself out little did I know that actually talking about these things can often be better than keeping things bottled up inside and eventually as time went on I knew that I couldn't keep this part of me hidden forever I wanted to be honest with my family and tell them the truth and I did I told afew of my close family some by text because truthfully I didn't know how to

really say something like that over the phone so I thought texting would be easier and they honestly couldn't of been more supportive and loving and I'm so grateful for that and I told my mom quit casually really it wasn't at all what I had built up in my head she said that she loved me and supported me and it felt like a massive weight had been lifted I didn't have to hide who I was anymore and that felt amazing and than I told my brother and he is so important in my coming out story because he showed me that it was ok to be me and to be truly myself and I honestly don't think I would of come out when I did if it wasn't for him he was a great support for me and role model thanks jack! ! And that friends is my coming out story one thing I would like to say before I go is being able to live your true self is incredible and there's truly no better feeling and I know who I am and that's gay and that's ok being able to now live my true self well that's amazing  until next time friends bye.
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