Tuesday, March 30, 2021

Losing my nana pegg

Afew weeks ago my nana pegg passed away I was devasted I hadn’t seen her since December 2019 and had only been able to speak to her on the phone due to the lockdown. I remember whenever i would speak to her she would always say how she was looking forward to being able to see me and my brother again .I was so sad I never got the chance to say goodbye to her and tell her how much i loved her and how much she meant to me but i know that she knows that.

she was an amazing women my nana pegg was Irish and she was so proud of that she used to tell me stories all the time about her life in Ireland  when she was a little girl and about her family I will really miss her stories my nana loved life and people  .We would be walking down the road and if she spotted someone with a dog she would have to go over and say hello or if we were out having lunch and she saw a baby she would have to wave and say hello and start talking to them I loved that about her.

She was so friendly and caring and didn’t judge people at all she would stand up for what she believed in and wouldn’t back down no matter what that’s what made her so special to me. She was a strong women and I hope I continue to take that throughout my own life to stand up for what i believe in and not stay silent when it’s  something that matters to me that’s something that my nana taught me well thank you for all the lovely memories nana pegg I will cherish them for a lifetime.


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